Montana Legal Services Association empowers low-income Montanans by providing them the tools to help themselves with civil, non-criminal legal issues, at no cost. We always recommend talking to a competent attorney about your legal problem. For specific legal resources available in your area, please visit our Locations page.
If you are looking for legal information, forms, or additional resources, MLSA provides or partners with the following resources for additional information.

MLSA Resources and Websites provides general legal information and legal forms for a variety of civil topics. You can find articles, forms, courts, where to find legal help, and more. If you need help finding what you need, use the Chat Now button. is a project of Montana Legal Services Association and several collaborators, including the Legal Services Corporation, the Montana Justice Foundation, the Montana Credit Unions for Community Development, State of Montana Law Library, the State Bar of Montana, and the Montana Supreme Court.
Montana Debt Options Tool
Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) created the Montana Debt Options Tool to help you know your rights when dealing with a consumer debt. This tool gives you specific resources based on your answers to questions on the following screens. Use the Montana Debt Options Tool to find out if a debt collector could be breaking the law, if you have any protected income or property, and if you have any defenses to a debt lawsuit.
Ask Karla is an online advice platform that allows individuals who meet MLSA’s income requirements to ask civil legal questions that are then answered by qualified pro bono attorneys. The site is administered and monitored by MLSA and is an easy way to receive an answer to your legal questions. To get started, simply visit and click “Get Help” is named in honor of Chief Justice Karla Gray and her long dedication to access to justice.
MT Crime Victim Help
MT Crime Victim Help is a website run by MLSA to help crime victims, family members, and service providers find information and other resources (including legal assistance) that they need to navigate the justice system and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a crime. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a crime and needs help addressing safety issues, housing, employment, and more, please visit or check out our guided online help tool to start figuring out what resources are available to help.
Other Resources
Court Self-Help Law Program
The Court Self-Help Law Program is a free service offered by the Montana Supreme Court to provide legal forms and information to people with civil, non-criminal legal problems who are handling their case on their own. The program operates full time self-help centers in Helena, Missoula, Great Falls, Kalispell, Billings and Bozeman, as well as many self-help stations and kiosks throughout Montana.
Legal Kiosks and Court Help Connect Stations
MLSA partners with the Montana Supreme Court / Court Help Program to provide legal kiosks and Court Help Connect stations at various locations across Montana. The kiosks and stations provide links to legal information, forms, and resources to help users find answers to their legal problems, while the Court Help Connect stations also allow users to video chat directly with a trained court staff person. These kiosks and stations are intended to help people representing themselves in court answer basic questions about filling out legal forms and the court process.
Kiosk Locations
- Livingston - Park County Courthouse
- Wolf Point - Roosevelt County Public Library
- Butte - Butte-Silver Bow Public Library
Court Help Connect Station Locations:
Video chat is available by appointment only. Call the State Law Library at 406-444-9300 during regular business hours to schedule an appointment with a staff member.
- Anaconda - Hearst Free Library
- Dillon - Beaverhead County Courthouse
- Hamilton - Bitterroot Public Library
- Polson - North Lake County Public Library
- Havre - Havre-Hill County Library
- Glasgow - Valley County Courthouse
- Glendive - Dawson County Courthouse
- Lewistown - Fergus County Courthouse
- Harlowton - Harlowton Public Library
- Conrad - Pondera County Courthouse
State Bar of Montana
The State Bar of Montana offers a free, non-profit, Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) for the community on their website. Go to For the Public, then Hire a Lawyer.
State Law Library
The State Law Library provides access to legal information consistent with the research needs and concerns of Montana’s courts, legislature, state officers and employees, members of the bar of the Supreme Court of Montana, and members of the general public. The library selects, acquires, and maintains legal resources.
Nothing on this page, or in links provided on this page, constitutes legal advice or the practice of law. Nor does viewing this page form an attorney/client relationship between you and Montana Legal Services Association. All visitors should consult with a qualified legal professional regarding their individual questions, needs, or issues that may be of concern. Before hiring any attorney, you should investigate the attorney's reputation and qualifications. We are not responsible for any action taken by a reader based upon any information on this site. All of the content on this site is for general informational and educational purposes only.