Relationship Abuse/Sexual Abuse/Stalking – Get Help and Information

In October, MLSA will blog each Thursday on relationship abuse/sexual abuse/stalking topics in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We encourage you to share the information we blog on with your friends, family, and coworkers. ***** Domestic violence, relationship abuse, stalking, sexual assault . . . All such forms of violence are more common …

3 Women Die Each Day Because of Domestic Violence

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month The National Network to End Domestic Violence reports that 3 women die each day because of domestic violence. 1 woman in 4 experiences domestic violence in her lifetime. Startling statistics, right? But those stats are the reason–among others–that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. MLSA Helps At Montana Legal …

Billings Gazette Opinion: Reaching Justice – Montanans Need Access to Courts

The Billings Gazette newspaper recently published an opinon about the Montana Supreme Court Self-Help Law Center in Billings. Click here to read the article.Want more information–including location and hours–of all the Montana Supreme Court Self-Help Law Centers in the state? Click here for information on the Self-Help Law Centers. 

Montana Legal Services Association Leaders Chosen for Appointment and Award

MLSA is pleased to announce significant accomplishments by two of our leaders: Alison Paul, MLSA Executive Director, shown above, was appointed by the Montana Supreme Court to the newly formed Access to Justice Commission.The purpose of the Access to Justice Commission (ATJC) will be to assess, plan, coordinate, and make recommendations regarding access to justice …

Montana Justice Foundation to Receive $1.2 Million

The Montana Justice Foundation (MJF) will receive $1.2 million due to the efforts of Montana insurance commissioner Monica Lindeen, her chief legal counsel Jesse Laslovich, and private bar attorneys John Heenan and Randy Bishop.  After Heenan and Bishop raised concerns about a proposed class action settlement with Farmers Insurance, further negotiations led to this result. …

National Public Health Week and Medical-Legal Partnerships

This week, April 2-8, is National Public Health Week. Health care is obviously a major issue nationwide, and many overlapping issues exist between a person’s health, legal rights, and economic status. One approach to addressing these overlapping issues is a medical-legal partnership. In this kind of partnership, a medical provider refers patients to a partner …

NeighborWorks Montana and Rural Dynamics, Inc., to Help Provide Mortgage Assistance Using HUD Funds

NeighborWorks Montana and Rural Dynamics, Inc., announced that they have been selected by NeighborWorks America in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help promote the Emergency Homeowners’ Loan Program (EHLP) in the state of New York.Congress provided $1 billion dollars to HUD, as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street …

Services for the Self-Represented: Every State Needs a Strategy

By Richard Zorza, Self Represented Litigation NetworkIn recent years national access to justice leaders have come to realize that the access problem will never be solved unless we put in place a broad range of services for the self-represented.  In some courts 80 or 90% are self represented, and in some types of courts (such …