If you can’t afford to pay the fee you can ask the judge to allow you to file your paperwork without paying the fee by filing a fee waiver form. The form is also called a “Statement of Inability to Pay Court Costs and Fees.” You can use our free interactive form to write a Statement of Inability to Pay. The interactive form makes it easy for you to complete and when you’re done you get a neatly typed document ready for your review and signature. You can use the interactive form on your smartphone or desktop computer.
Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) provides legal tips to help Montanans better understand their rights and find free resources. Follow Montana Legal Services Association on Instagram and Facebook for more helpful information.
Need more help? MLSA assists Montanans with civil legal issues. To apply, contact Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) at 1-800-666-6899 or apply online at https://www.mtlsa.org/