Several Veterans Stand Downs have occurred and are scheduled across Montana. The US Department of Veterans Affairs coordinates with local VA and community partners to host Stand Downs to provide services to veterans, focusing on homeless veterans. Stand Downs typically provide food, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment, legal information, and substance abuse treatment. Montana Legal Services Association is honored to serve our veterans and military members, has attended many Stand Downs in the past, and is scheduled to attend several across the state in 2013.
The first Stand Down was held in 1988 by a group of Vietnam Veterans in San Diego. Between 1994-2000, stand downs nationwide reached more than 200,000 Veterans and their family members.
Scheduled Stand Downs
See below the Stand Downs that are occuring in your area and for contact information. We will update this list as we learn of new information or changes in dates. For contact information and phone numbers, please click here. We will update information as it becomes available.
Missoula – May 23
Bozeman – June 15
Helena – Sept 6
Poplar – Sept 14
Hamilton – Sept 14
Great Falls – Sept 26-28
Libby – October 5-6
Billings – October
Pictures from the Missoula Stand Down